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How remove duplicate nodes from a linked list

When I first tried to solve this problem, I started coding without a clear algorithm and ended up wasting a lot of time. After some frustration, I had to take a break and think of another approach. So I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing down the problem and all the steps I needed to take to solve it. Then I started drawing the linked list and went through the algorithm step by step. In this post, I’ll go over those steps.

I am assuming that you already have a basic understanding of linked lists. If you don’t, I recommend reading this article or watch the beginning of this video.

Stating the problem and the constraints

Given a linked list, remove the duplicate nodes using an O(n) time complexity.

Drawing a linked list

Draw a simple linked list with only one duplicate to make it easier to understand on the first try.

1 -> 2 -> 2 -> null

Brainstorming a solution

Because of the O(n) constraint, you can only iterate through the list once. So, when you are in an iteration and you want to delete the current node, you have to point the previous node to the next node. For example, let’s say you want to delete the second node in the following linked list:

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null

You need to point the first node to the third node, like this:

1    2 -> 3 -> null

The second node is now effectively removed from the list, because there is no reference to it from the previous node. But for this to work, you need to have a variable for the previous node and a variable for the current node. Now we know how to remove a node.

Next, we need to think about how to detect a duplicate node. First, we need to keep track of the duplicate nodes we will encounter. You might think of using an array or an object, but looking up a value in an array or object is O(n) time complexity. And if you do that inside an iteration, you will end up with O(n^2) time complexity for your algorithm. So, we need a data structure that has O(1) time complexity for lookups. That’s where a Set comes in. It stores unique values and has O(1) time complexity for lookups.

So to summarize, we need two variables to keep track of the previous and current nodes, a Set to store unique values and a loop to iterate through the list. In every iteration, we check if the value of the current node is inside the Set. If it is, we point the previous node to the next node. If it isn’t, we add the value of the current node to the Set and point the previous node to the current node. Just before the next iteration, we point the current node to the next node. We do this until the current node is null.

Writing the algorithm in pseudocode

  1. Create a Set.
  2. Create a variable for the previous node prev and set it to null.
  3. Create a variable for the current node current and set it to the head of the list.
  4. Iterate through the list until the current node is null.
  5. For every iteration, check if the value of the current node is inside the Set.
  6. If it is, point to
  7. If it isn’t, add the value of the current node to the Set and point prev to current.
  8. Point current to

Going through the algorithm with the example linked list

Initial State


null     (1) —–> (2) —–> (2) —–> null
 |        |
prev    current

πŸ” First Iteration

Is the value of the current node a duplicate? Is 1 inside the Set? No.

  1. Add the value of the current node to the Set.
  2. Point prev to current.
  3. Point current to

(1) —–> (2) —–> (2) —–> null
 |       |
prev   current

πŸ” Second Iteration

Is the value of the current node a duplicate? Is 2 inside the Set? No.

  1. Add the value of the current node to the Set.
  2. Point prev to current.
  3. Point current to
Set(1, 2)

(1) —–> (2) —–> (2) —–> null
         |       |
        prev   current

πŸ” Third Iteration

Is the value of the current node a duplicate? Is 2 inside the Set? Yes.

  1. Point to
  2. Point current to
Set(1, 2)

(1) —–> (2)        (2)       null
      prev                   current

We effectively removed the duplicate node by severing all connections to it πŸŽ‰. The final linked list is:

Set(1, 2)

(1) —–> (2) —–> null

Writing the code

I am using JavaScript for this example. Even if you are not familiar with JavaScript, you should be able to understand the code.

This function requires the head of the linked list as an argument and it expects a node to be an object with a value property and a next property that points to the next node. Like this:

const node = {
  value: 1,
  next: {
    value: 2,
    next: null,

Here is the function for removing duplicates according to our algorithm:

function removeDuplicates(head) {
  const set = new Set();
  let prev = null;
  let current = head;

  while (current !== null) {
    if (set.has(current.value)) { =;
    } else {
      prev = current;

    current =;

  return head;


When you are solving a problem, don’t rush. Don’t go straight into coding a solution. Instead, take your time to understand the problem. Use pen and paper to visualize the problem. Break it down into small and easy steps. You will be doing yourself a favor in the long run by developing a solid habit of problem-solving.